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What is Moringa Powder?

Moringa powder is a SUPER FOOD from the leaves of the Moringa Oleifera tree (a.k.a. “the Miracle Tree”) which is grown in hot, tropical climates around the world.

One of nature’s most nutritious superfoods, the dried leaf of the Moringa Oleifera tree is a rich source of protein containing all 8 essential amino acids, as well as Omega 3, 6 and 9. Moringa is rich in Vitamins A to K, providing your body with 46 powerful antioxidants.

Moringa is a natural, whole-food source of nutrients and minerals, and is abundant with mineral and trace elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc, providing you with a range of amazing health benefits.

Why would I add Moringa Powder to my diet?

Moringa is PACKED with vitamins and nutrients, amino acids, and antioxidants. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties too. Check out our Moringa Powder Benefits page!

How often do I take it?

To see results, moringa should be taken faithfully EVERY DAY!

What is the recommended dosage?

Most people take 1 tsp. per day. If you tend to have a sensitive stomach, then start with a ½ tsp of moringa powder for the first 2 or 3 days, then increase if it is sitting well.  Listen to your body. I know that sounds strange but it’s true. You can even take 2 or 3 tsp per day if you feel you need it!

Why is it different from other superfoods?

The world of vitamins and supplements can be confusing.  While all superfoods and vitamins are beneficial, moringa is a highly concentrated, completely natural, unprocessed combination of many of the health enhancing THINGS we often consume separately. Nothing is added or taken away from leaf to powder and so it enters your system with all nutrients in tact making it highly effective.

How long before I will feel the difference?

The speed of results vary from person to person depending on number and severity of health issues.  For example, if it’s a gut health issue, many have seen improvement in just a few days. But if it’s a more chronic issue like joint pain, it may take 4-6 weeks to notice improvement.

Why should I buy from “Hello Moringa!” when it is available in other places?

The short answer?  QUALITY MATTERS.  The long answer?  WHERE it’s grown is vitally important to its purity. Moringa MUST be grown far away from pollution (clean air, clean water) in order to produce a pure, top quality organic product. When you buy from an unknown source, you get an unknown product. We know our farmers. We’ve seen the farms and we are 100% confident in its purity and quality, and that you won’t have to break the bank to get it. You can find out more about our moringa powder farm.

Is moringa powder safe?

Yes. We recommend starting with 1 teaspoon daily. Adjust more or less according to how you feel. We do not recommend taking moringa powder if you are trying to get pregnant, are pregnant (moringa can cause uterine contractions), have low blood pressure (hypotension – moringa lowers blood pressure), or have an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). If you are breast feeding, moringa powder is known to increase your milk production.

Check WebMD for uses, side effects, and dosage.

How is moringa powder taken?

Using moringa couldn’t be easier – just mix 1-2 teaspoons (or half a teaspoon if you’re just starting out) into any dish or drink that could benefit from a sprinkling of spinachy greens. The easiest way to think of it as superfood seasoning – so just use it as you would any other green herb or seasoning.

7 quick and simple ways to incorporate moringa powder into your daily diet:

  1. Stir it into your water. Hot or cold water works, though it might go down easiest in warm water mixed with a little lemon and honey.
  2. Steep it as a tea.
  3. Mix it into smoothies.
  4. Sprinkle it into soups.
  5. Bake it into… anything.
  6. Green up your guacamole.
  7. Shake it into salad dressing.

Spices and herbs – such as cinnamon and lemon basil – can help offset the slightly earthy taste of pure moringa leaf powder.

How does it taste?

Earthy…or as I like to call it, healthy. Some people just add a teaspoon of moringa powder to water, stir it up and throw it down the hatch. If you’re a little more sensitive to flavour, it can be easily hidden in smoothies and other food. Check out our Moringa Recipes page or Facebook page for ideas!

Should I take moringa powder in the morning or at night?

WHEN doesn’t really matter. We recommended taking 1 tsp to 1 tbsp of our pure moringa powder per day. Whether it be as part of a smoothie, a simple breakfast or an afternoon snack, you really can’t go wrong with a little moringa every day. Plus, if you’re feeling extra creative, you can add moringa to all kinds of recipes.

It is naturally caffeine-free, so you can consume it as a relaxing beverage before bed. It’s also a good option if you’re sensitive to the effects of caffeine.

Does moringa powder help with sleep?

In addition to iron and riboflavin, which helps regulate sleep, moringa leaves are also rich in tryptophan. With the help of the aforementioned nutrients, tryptophan can be converted to serotonin and melatonin, which are key in regulating sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea.

Will moringa powder help with weight loss?

Taking moringa powder daily can result in weight loss. Not just weight loss. It can also help you manage diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. Moringa helps in reducing the fat formation and it also promotes fat breakdown.

Does moringa help grow hair?

Moringa can be used to grow fuller, longer, and healthier hair because it is full of nutrients that stimulate growth. Moringa contains amino acids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals like zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron which all amount to stronger, healthier hair.

Does moringa powder give you energy?

One of the known benefits of moringa is its ability to give you a natural boost of energy, just like coffee. But unlike coffee, moringa does not contain any caffeine. It owes its energy-boosting effects to its combination of nutrients, particularly its coenzymes.

Can moringa help with constipation?

Moringa powder is packed with fiber that regulates your digestive functions and relieves constipation. Moringa leaves also have a mild laxative effect. Moringa is known for its strong anti-inflammatory properties and may help in treating stomach ulcers and infections.

Does moringa interact with any medications?

Before taking moringa, talk to your healthcare provider if you are taking any medications that are changed by the liver.

Does moringa boost the immune system?

According to WebMD, “The leaves have 7 times more vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas. It also has calcium, protein, iron, and amino acids, which help your body heal and build muscle. It’s also packed with antioxidants, substances that can protect cells from damage and may boost your immune system.”